Let yourself be transported to the heart of the Paillon, Bévéra and Roya valleys and discover the jewels of Piedmontese baroque art. Treat yourself with a visit to Tende, a fortified medieval city, where architecture blends the charm of the Baroque, Gothic and Renaissance styles. Stop in Breil sur Roya, a small village with an amazing eco-museum of transport or in Fontan-Saorge, one of the most beautiful villages in France, with Romanesque and Baroque churches. Discover the Vallée des Merveilles, one of the most important sites of prehistoric engravings in Europe.
All taking advantage of a panoramic train that climbs up the mountain, it faces tunnels and viaducts suspended over the river that runs much lower. It is the opportunity for those who decide to make an excursion on the Train des Merveilles, also taking advantage of the information provided by a tour guide on board.
The panoramic journey with stops and tourist guide starts from the station of Nice Ville every day at 9:17 am until September 29th and then "covers" the weekends from October 5th to November 3rd. If you prefer to make the trip without using the information of the tourist guide, there are many opportunities as it is possible to verify from the timetables that we insert at the bottom of this article.
More information on the Train des Merveilles by clicking here.
Enjoy a nature getaway! Lovers of hiking (on donkey, equestrian or on foot), take the numerous courses of the Valley and discover a beautiful and rare flora, adorning the magnificent landscapes of the Mercantour National Park and its 600km of marked trails. Passionate about whitewater, go kayaking or rafting the canyons Breil Roya, and fish trout on more than 25 lakes and 120km of torrents around Tende.
For groups: all year round by reservation (minimum one month in advance)
Equipment and services:
- Restaurant
- stroller accessible
Website Tourist office Tende-Vallée des Merveilles: tendemerveilles.com