Here are some examples of the 299 Flags of the Made in Liguria taste that testify to the innumerable biodiversity present in the territory and that make Ligurian cuisine one of the most loved by Italian and foreign tourists. This is what Coldiretti Liguria says, commenting on the 2019 census of local specialties, presented by Coldiretti at the Milan Village, from piazza del Cannone to piazza Castello with over ten thousand farmers, large market in Campagna Amica, agrichef with historical recipes and ad hoc exhibitions to make known and save the hidden treasures of Italy. At national level, rose to the record number of 5155 in 2019 the "Bandiere del gusto" Made in Italy, territorial rarities obtained according to traditional rules extended over time for at least 25 years, which have absolutely precious characteristics that the peasant world has guarded against the homologation and the trivialization of agriculture.
In Liguria, in addition to the more known Genovese Basil DOP, you can taste the Lard Paté, a fresh cold cut that comes from the processing of lard flavored with local herbs or the Savona chinotto, a citrus fruit famous for the homonymous drink grown in the area since the XVI century, from whose fruits also candied fruits, jams and mustards are obtained, and again the Trombetta Courgette, cultivated together with the Pomodoro Cuore di Bue (ox heart tomato) mainly in the Piana di Albenga, recognizable for its curved shape and sweet taste and the Fagiolo Aquila di Pignone (beans). And how not to try the Genoese rose syrup, obtained from the petals of roses, which can be diluted in water or used to flavor, for example, ice cream.
[Credit Spedona]
"Behind every product grown in Liguria - affirm the President of Coldiretti Liguria Gianluca Boeri and the Delegate Confederale Bruno Rivarossa - there is a culture and a tradition that has remained alive over time and expresse best s the reality of our territories. We must try to safeguard our biodiversity that characterize, identify and give added value to our agriculture as much as possible, trying to avoid the trivialization and the flattening down of the food supply, including tourism. The Campagna Amica companies of Liguria invest a lot on the distinctiveness and on products of excellence with which they manage to make their way on the market and which, to date, are increasingly often chosen as souvenirs by 42% of Italians on vacation, for their bond with the territory and its history ".