An important month for the European project JARDIVAL - action related to INTERREG Program ALCOTRA 2014-2020 Italy-France Cross-Border Cooperation - dedicated to the enhancement and promotion of French-Italian Riviera’s Gardens.
The 1st Festival of the French Riviera Gardens with the 1st International Garden Competition was just inaugurated. And, in the official opening speech, Eric Ciotti - the Chairman of the Department of Maritime Alps - publicly thanked Liguria Region for the Italian partners of JARDIVAL project who, during the month of April, will enliven with activities, art, and culture the Park of Villa Grock in Imperia, Villa Ormond Park in San Remo and Novaro Park in Costarainera Municipality.
The French-Italian Riviera Garden Festival will be an opportunity to promote Italian and French attractiveness and excellence.
The events planned on the Italian side will be numerous. In Novaro Park, during the weekend of April 21st-23rd, "Nature and Gardens" with educational workshops, entertainment, and creative activities for children and teens; in San Lorenzo Valley, "Art and Culture” on April 29th and 30th, during which visitors will be able to visit the Art Park “Tra i Mondi” ("Between Worlds") in Lingueglietta and the Art Park Villa Biener in Cipressa accompanied by local history and art experts.
Participation in all events, workshops, guided tours is free.
All updates and program details are available here
The official opening of Novaro Park is scheduled for August 20th, 2017.