On Saturday May 21st, free admission for the much awaited re-opening of Zizzola museum - a symbol overlooking the city of Bra from Monte Guglielmo - which will open its doors for the seasonal opening running every weekend until October. For the special occasion, in the museum's park, from 3pm to 6pm, visitors will also be able to experience the thrill of a baloon flight and enjoy the spectacular 360-degree panorama of Langhe and Roero.
All municipal museums will be exceptionally open with free admission from 9pm to 12am: Palazzo Traversa, the Museum of Natural History "Craven", the Toy Museum, with several exciting activities and workshops planned for children and adults.
Special opening with free admission of the Mechanical Writing Museum, 6pm to 12am, while at 3pm and 4:30pm free guided tours of the Holy House of the Cottolengo, will be available upon reservation.
In the Courtyard of Palazzo Garrone, Market Day, a market with booths, music and refreshments focused on inventions and design (free admission). In Palazzo Mathis, the presentation of the book "The archive of Cesare Fasola and Giusta Nicco Fasola" (5pm) and the book "Lasciare Lubecca" by Ugo Minini (9pm), as well as the exhibition "Sotto-sopra la riga" by Gigi Rigamonti.
For more information: contact the Office of Tourism and Events of the Municipality of Bra 0712.430185 - www.turismoinbra.it - Facebook page "Bra Museums"