"The Whale Days": a very special event organized by Tethys Onlus takes place in Sanremo during the June 11th-12th weekend.
The ancient Romans used to call Western Liguria Costa Balenae - the whales coast - as its waters were inhabited by many whales. Today, the area is home to the "Pelagos Sanctuary" where many species abound, especially in summer, such as sperm whales, fin whales, and more than 39,000 Stenella Streaked dolphins.
"The Whale Days" will include games for children, lectures, round-table discussions, a Pelagos Sanctuary photography exhibition, and whale watching. A marathon is also planned, "Run for the whales", which will run all along the seaside greenway - a pedestrian and cycle track - for a good 10 km. Also a "family run", a mini-marathon of 3 km, is planned .
Proceeds from the event will go to Tethys, for the monitoring of Pelagos Sanctuary's cetaceans as the sancturay was especially designed to protect marine mammals in the Mediterranean.
For more information: runforthewhales.it/wp/en/whale-days