With an area than spans from the Maritime to the Cottians (Cozie) Alps, skiers are just spoilt for choice in the Alps of the Sea.
Plenty to pick from whether one chooses to ski in the Piedmont mountains or the French Maritime Alps.
Cuneoholiday.com – the official Cuneo province's promoting site - has just published its ski resorts' snow report and constantly updates it. Well-known resorts such as Limone Piemonte (Riserva Bianca), Artesina, Prato Nevoso, PonteChianale and Crissoso - in the Monviso mountains - are all listed and updated with snow information, open ski slopes and their level. The long list of skiing opportunities is well assorted with downhill and cross-country skiing.
The Maritime Alps are no lesser choice for skiers, with their fifteen resorts all listed and thoroughly described on the Cote d'Azur neige website. Skiing in just 1½ hours from the Mediterranean sea by the French or Italian Riviera is definitely a privilege and a unique characteristic of the Alps of the Sea. Alpine or Nordic skiers will enjoy nearly 660 km of slopes, a vast skiing area with slopes for all levels as well as ample opportunities for snowshoeing, cross-country skiing or ski trekking. The website provides snow and weather report as well.
With a weather forecast betting on white capped mountains for Christmas and end of December, fun on the snow is just guaranteed.